Fallout Gravel Pit Wikia

The Neo-Satanists are a group of pacifistic believers, mainly active around Old Nowhere and Faith Down and form one of the most influential groups in the former. They believe that Heaven and God were destroyed in the fires of the atomic explosions and that now, Satan has taken it upon himself to guide and shepherd mankind.


Once human settlers began to claim Old Nowhere, the remains of the religion of the Old World gathered together, some in new, some in old forms. Many of them faced rejection however, unable to explain the concept of a benevolent god in the face of the total annihilation of earth as it had been.

In this turbulent time, where many new schools of thought emerged, among others the infamous Children of ATOM or the Church of Rad-Jesus, Neo-Satanism gained support by focussing less on the theological implications. Instead, its priests simply declared all gods as dead, wiped out along with their Heavens by the nuclear fire.

